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Writer's pictureRicki Braswell

Beyond the Luck of the Irish

Updated: Mar 17, 2021

angry jack o lantern

According to the 2019 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau about 32 million Americans, approximately 9.7% of the total population, identified as being Irish (or Irish Americans). If you believe the adage, "luck of the Irish," that means that over 90% of the rest of us are left, well, without that luck!

Several years ago I stopped using that word. Often I substitute the words "luck" or "lucky" for "fortunate". That word is more appropriate in a lot of areas of my life. I've been very fortunate to have healthy children. And I'm fortunate to have been provided with a higher education, and to have had parents who were flawed and real and who tried to prepare me for life and instill values and a sense of responsibility.

I do not apply the word "lucky" or "fortunate" when I talk about my career. I have in the past, but one day I heard myself and a voice in the back of my brain shouted so loud I'm surprised that the people around me didn't hear it. I am not lucky when it comes to my career, that voice said indignantly. There was no luck involved. There was a lot of hard work and the willingness to do things other people were not willing to do. The willingness to take chances, to change, to be responsible, admit I was wrong, speak up, stand up, be the example, believe in the good and talent of others, put the success of the organization and the team first, and never give up. That's not luck. That's work. That's commitment. And those are my ingredients for success.

“It’s hard to detect good luck – it looks so much like something you’ve earned.” – Frank A. Clark

For the 90.3% of us who are not Irish (but today are pretending we are just to merrily drink green beer), what have you done, and what are you willing to do to create your success? Please share, I'd love to hear and other's can learn from you too! Either post your comment below or email me at

Searching for Your

Pot of Goals

As a success coach I begin each of my coaching relationships asking my client what their goals are. You might be surprised to discover that defining your goals can be as big a challenge as achieving them.

Often our goals are vague or broad, and they usually require some degree of change. In order to establish our goals, we have to look at ourselves, and our lives, from a different perspective in order to really clarify what we want to achieve. This is especially important if our goals are focused on growth or leadership because the central factor is us - how we think, process, respond and behave.

Three steps to help you define your goals

1. Decide what area of your life you want to focus on:

Although it would be great to improve in all facets of our life simultaneously, it's important to be realistic about your time and energy. Growth takes a lot of both so understanding your 'bandwidth' is important. Focusing on a specific area is one of the ways to ensure progress and avoid burnout.

2. Determine if you are trying to solve a problem or create greater opportunity:

The two greatest motivators are pain and pleasure. Goals usually center on one of those two. Is your goal supported by the desire to fix or eliminate something or is it motivated by the desire to gain or improve something.

3. Imagine what change achieving this goal would bring to you/your life:

The goals worth committing to are those which significantly impact your future. How would your life be different if you achieved the goal? What happens if you decide not to pursue this goal? If there is very little reward if you pursue the goal or very little impact if you do not, then this isn't a goal worth your time or energy. Aim high. It takes the exact same amount of energy to change as it does worry, so choose change.

As important as goal setting is, success relies upon the work you do after you set your goals. Want to learn more? Next month I'll share some proven execution strategies with you. Can't wait until then and curious to learn more about how success coaching can support you? Schedule a complimentary consultation.

If you're curious about what success coaching can bring to you, don't rely on the luck of the Irish, instead schedule a virtual coffee and let's chat.

We will set aside 45-minutes to explore what your goals are and I'll share my philosophy and practice style. The session is complimentary and allows you to experience some coaching and determine if we might be a good fit. The link allows you to view my calendar and pick a time that works best for you. Having the life that you want begins with taking that first step.

If you are enjoying Beyond A Pep Talk and know others who would as well, please share! Also, I'd love to hear what you want to learn more about so that I can create content just for you. Email me at with your thoughts, comments or just to share a chuckle.

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